Congratulations to the fashion industry! The era when you only used white, tall and skinny models is over. You don’t any longer need to risk damaging your thumb scrolling through the depths of Instagram in order to find models that your target group can recognize themselves in. They are only a rapid click away: Save time, resolve your guilty conscience and create fashion communication that makes us feel good just as we are.
Everyday I am bombarded with pictures showing what I should look like if I want to be a complete person. I looked at those images, felt that I was not skinny enough, starved myself into a skeleton and felt far from being complete. The images are required and they will continue to exist, but they can be altered. SUNRISE model agency offers a wide variety of bodies and looks to these images. Fashion communication that excludes now gives way to inclusive communication!
You are presently just about to enter the agency office. Inside you can book a model, become a model, learn more about the agency and ask questions. The models are scouted using Instagram with the sole criteria that they did not need to tick the following boxes: white, tall and skinny. The images you see are a mix of photographs that they have chosen themselves and images by photographer Angelina Bergenwall. Enjoy!
+46 (0)70 935 07 81
All the models. Angelina Bergenwall, Elin Laine, Ekstra Studio, Minna Sakaria, 18|89 Fast Fine Pizza, Arirang, Bröd & Salt and Fruktleveransen.
press images